Covid years saw some changes to the Bingo program. Because of the ever changing environment that had been created, the outline may change as requirements at the bingo halls change back for 2023-2024.
In past years each players family was responsible for up to 8 bingo shifts. This year will not be as high as that!! Once teams are established for 2023 - 2024, all parents will be sent a link to sign up for their shifts. These shifts will be tracked by your Team Bingo Coordinator.
For those that do not want to work bingos, you can hire a volunteer from our list and pay them to work your shift for you. We do not have the “Opt Out” program.
Each year there are Credit Bingos that you can work in advance of the fall, starting July 2023. For the shifts worked in this time period you will receive $75 per shift credited to your fees. These bingos will be tracked.
There will be more credit bingos in the new season – these bingos are for credit in the following season.
Full details and explanation will be provided to each of the teams early in the season.
Thank you!
Robin Petropoulos
CRAA Director
Calgary Royals Athletic Association
Each team must assign 1 Bingo Coordinator volunteer.
The Grey Eagle and Bingo Barn Halls have a list of roles and responsibility assignments for the team volunteers attending the event. Please click on the Grey Eagle Parent Volunteer Positions below to view the bingo hall’s volunteer positions. Please note that the described Grey Eagle volunteer positions are similar at the Bingo Barn. Please also be aware that the Grey Eagle Bingo Hall is a smoking facility, the Bingo Barn Hall is non-smoking.
CLICK HERE: Parent Volunteer Roles
Credit Bingo
We also pick up extra bingo events as they become available and offer these extra shifts to parents to earn credits towards registration and/or team fees as permitted by AGLC. Contact the bingo coordinator to sign up for credit bingos.
The Association’s Bingo Director will track credits earned by working casino shifts and credit bingo shifts and provide this information to the administrator so the correct credits can be applied towards registration.
The Bingo Chairperson role allows interested and qualified parents to earn registration credits by working extra bingo shifts in the Bingo Chairperson role. The pre-requirements to be a Bingo Chair are knowledge through experience in the Paymaster, Bonanza, and Special Games Controller jobs. If interested members do not have the pre-requirements, the Calgary Royals Bingo Director will work on helping interested volunteers get this accomplished before they are scheduled as a Bingo Chair. Below is the Bingo Chair Person’s duties document and as detailed as the attached responsibilities may seem it is not a difficult job.
Please note that the Bingo Chair role does have the expectancy of working the minimum membership requirement of 3 bingos per player in addition to any bingo events worked as Chairperson.
CLICK HERE: Bingo Chairperson Duties
For more information please contact Robin Petropoulos – Calgary Royals Bingo Director
CRAA will provide casino volunteers with a set amount of credits (or $) per casino shift that will apply to hockey player's next year’s team registration fee. The credits (or $) can also be given to another family in the Royals for their team registration fee use, if the hockey player will not return for the following season. Casino credits have a shelf life of one year and must be used before this time frame. The casino volunteer jobs are straight forward and attached as shown below for your reference.
It is necessary to have the KEY Positions filled, and an AGLC worker application completed by the volunteer and submitted to the bingo director.
- 4 General Managers (1 per shift)
- 4 Bankers (1 per shift)
- 8 Cashiers (2 per shift)
- 2 Count Room Supervisors
CLICK HERE: AGLC volunteer application form
If you are interested in volunteering for the above positions, please advise the bingo director.