Calgary Royals Boundaries


CALGARY ROYALS ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION members include minor and junior aged players (13 - 21 years of age) who reside in the communities of: Altadore, Aspen Woods, Bankview, Bayview, Bel-Aire, Braeside, Bridlewood, Brittania, Canyon Meadows, Cedarbrae, CFB-Currie, Chinook Park, Christie Park, Cliff Bungalow, Coach Hill, Discovery Ridge, Eagle Ridge, Elbow Park, Elboya, Evergreen, Everwood, Glamorgan, Glenbrook, Glendale, Haysboro, Kelvin Grove, Killarney/Glengarry, Kingsland, Lakeview, Lincoln Park, Mayfair, Meadowlark Park, Mission, Mount Royal Lower/Upper, North Glenmore Park, Oakridge, Palliser, Parkhill/Stanley Park, Patterson, Pump Hill, Richmond, Rideau Park, Rosscarrock, Roxboro, Rutland Park, Sarcee, Scarboro, Scarboro/Sunalta West, Shaganappi, Shawnee Slopes, Signal Hill, South Calgary, Southwood, Springbank Hill, Spruce Cliff, Strathcona Park, Sunalta, Westgate, Wildwood, Windsor Park, Woodbine, Woodlands

For Junior aged players - The Calgary Junior Hockey League is under the direction of Hockey Calgary and Elite Council. In the C.J.H.L., providing the players is 18 years of age and either employed in the City of Calgary or attending an educational institute, his/her residence need not be in Zone 9. A player who is visiting Calgary on an international/national cultural exchange or attending a post-secondary educational institute will be allowed to register with the appropriate documentation.




The Calgary Royals Athletic Association (as directed by Hockey Calgary) requires that all minor aged players (17 years of age or younger on December 31st of the current season) must have their principal residence within the boundaries of CALGARY ROYALS, as of September 1st of the current season. See the IMPORTANT BOUNDARY INFORMATION for communities that feed into the Calgary Royals Athletic Association. For all registrations, addresses must be a street address or legal description with post office box and not just a box number or work address. Please note, CALGARY ROYALS reserves the right to ask for a completed Parent Declaration Form along with proof of residency, including a valid driver’s license, recent utility bills, tax assessment, or school declaration form, to verify the address on the registration. The penalty for falsification of this information will be as directed by Hockey Calgary. If it is proven a member has falsified this information, and lives outside the boundaries of CALGARY ROYALS, they will be immediately suspended from CALGARY ROYALS and will forfeit any outstanding registration fee. Additional penalties and or suspensions may apply as per the Hockey Calgary rule book by Hockey Calgary.