Rachel Barnes
U13AA Director
Kevin Magowan
U15AA Director
Cam Stacey
U15AAA Director
John Mitchell
U16AA Director
Chris Ugbaja
U18AA Director
Mike Moore
U17AAA Director
Lee Emond
U18AAA Director (for interim)
Mark Stephen
Junior B Director
Lindsey Stilling
Tournaments, Scholarships, Gala Director
Josh Yarker
Sponsorship & Marketing Director
Byron Nelson
Coach Liaison, Discipline, & Legal Affairs Director
Kris Zack
Director at Large
Dale Peters
Past President
Sean Gilbert
Erin Boulet
Eric Bay
Manager of Player Promotion
Sandra Young
Nick Sanders
Hugh Lasham
CRAA and History of the SWAA - Incorporated 1969
Prior to 1966, the Calgary Buffalo Hockey Association exclusively sponsored “AA” hockey in Calgary. In the mid 1960’s a group of energetic hockey men in South West Calgary created the formation of a separate association to promote “AA” hockey in the South West area. The leaders of this group were Joe Krycka, Bill Blyth, Ted Steele and Stan Jaycock. These gentlemen were instrumental in forming the South West Athletic Association (SWAA), which operated as an unincorporated association from 1966 to 1969. During this period the Association sponsored one team in each of the Bantam, Midget, Juvenile and Junior B categories.
The Association was subsequently incorporated under the Societies Act of the Province of Alberta in 1969. The activities of the Association have expanded with the growth of the city and it now sponsors:
3 teams of U13AA
3 teams of U15AA
1 team of U15AAA
1 team of U16AA
1 team of U17AAA
2 teams of U18AA
1 team of U18AAA
2 teams of Junior B
The success of the Association over the years has been largely due to the outstanding leadership provided by its’ Presidents, including: Wilf Godfrey, George Dunn, Don Quinn, Bill Shearer, Laurie Schmidt, Bob Arkley, the Honorable Mr. Justice Bill O’Leary; Ron Onishenko; Don McCallum; Ken Morris; Bob Venables; Ken Morris (returned – 7 years total); Ray Ference; Bruce Bierwagon; Bob Wilson (now serving as a director for 14 years); Clive Marsh; Attila Szabo; Kris Katsaounis; Dave Freeborn; Mark Josefchak; Dale Peters; and Juanita Renwick is the current acting President of the Association. The dedication and hard work of these men and women has contributed to the success of the Association and also to the advancement of Elite hockey in Calgary. There have been many Directors whose tireless efforts have contributed a great deal to Elite hockey, including the late Emile Dupont and Rusty Basarab, Gordie Moore, Ron Johnson, Martin Vernon, Clint Reynolds, Doug Cook, Bob Sinclair, Bill Salt, Derek Gould, Ken Hindmarch, Scotty Jones, Dan Mulvenna, Jim Morris and Brent Siddons. The CRAA has been fortunate in attracting volunteers, coaches, and managers of the highest caliber.
CRAA has been proactive over the years in developing a comprehensive scholarship program that was commenced in 1976 and continues today, offering many scholarships and up to $10,000 per season to deserving CRAA players. Rick Luhning pioneered the scholarship program, mentoring Clive Marsh, who took a very active role in the Scholarship program from 1991 and has always championed the program; and under the coordination of Bill LeClair, Mandy Latiff, Julie Hendry and Liz Desjardins, the program has evolved to what it is today. These volunteers and their dedication has positively reflected in the program and led to continued growth and the recognition of our players.
The Association has been active in supporting progressive change in Elite hockey and was instrumental in the formation of the “AA” hockey council, now known as the Elite Council. Elite hockey is the delegate of Hockey Calgary; it has actively supported the concept of tiering hockey players by age so that players compete with others, approximately the same level of physical and mental development. The CRAA also took an active part in the formation of the former Southern Alberta Major Midget Hockey League and the former Alberta Major Midget Hockey League - which is now all run under the Alberta Elite Hockey League (AEHL). The CRAA has instituted a club concept whereby all team colors and insignia are to be standardized, resulting in better identification as well as savings in the cost of uniforms and jackets.
The aim of the CRAA has been, and will continue to be, the overall welfare and development of the players in its hockey system. We are proud of the many fine young players who have participated in our association over the years and we would like to think that they have received some benefit from their connection with us.
The Calgary Royals organization appreciates the contributions made and the dedication over the years by its team sponsors, directors, coaches, managers, parents, and players.
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Calgary Royals
PO Box 36052 Lakeview Post Office
Calgary, Alberta
T3E 7C6